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Top 50 keyword shortcuts of Adobe Photoshop

If you are in a layout subject or you’re a innovative person then you definitely ought to stumble upon this software program, photoshop is one of the maximum popular software program and by means of understanding some shortcut that makes your work quicker, it like the cherry on the cake! you simply need to spend few time getting to know and practice with photoshop software and trust me you’ll on the following degree of creativity and quicker for your work on designing so, beneath are the few shortcuts that you need to exercise to make your work faster and smoother.

Note: All of those shortcuts can be accessed on pc and Mac, but once in a while, they’re different on each running system. we’ve protected each sorts beneath, and in the cases where they might be different, Mac instructions appear in italicized parentheses. also, in those formulation, the plus signal (+) is present only to symbolize the mixture of key commands. once in a while, it might be a part of the command itself, like when you press the plus signal to zoom into a part of an photograph. otherwise, do not press the plus sign among commands.

Photoshop Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Sl. No. Layer Shortcuts
1Create new layerCtrl–Shift–N
2Select non-contiguous layersCtrl–click layers
3Select contiguous layersClick one layer, then Shift–click another layer
4Delete layerDelete
5View contents of layer maskAlt–click layer mask icon
6Temporarily turn off layer maskShift–click layer mask icon
7Clone layer as you move itAlt–drag
8Find/Select layer containing objectRight–click on the object w/Move tool
9Change layer opacityNumber pad keys (w/Move tool selected)
10Cycle down or up through blending modesShift–Plus (+) or Minus (–)
11Change to a specific blending mode(W/Move tool) Shift–Alt–letter (N=Normal, M=multiply, etc.)
12Switch to layer below/above current layerAlt–[or Alt–]
13Move layer below/above current layerCtrl–[or Ctrl–]

Sl.No. ShortcutsTools
14VMove and Artboard tools
15MMarquee tools
16LLasso tools
17WQuick Selection, Magic Wand
18CCrop and Slice tools
19IEyedropper, 3D Material Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Note, Count
20JSpot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Content-Aware Move, Red Eye
21BBrush, Pencil, Color Replacement, Mixer Brush
22SClone Stamp, Pattern Stamp
23YHistory Brush, Art History Brush
24EEraser tools
25GGradient, Paint Bucket, 3D Material Drop O Dodge, Burn, Sponge P Pen tools
26TType tools
27APath Selection, Direct Selection
28URectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Custom Shape
29HHand R Rotate View
30ZZoom D Default colors
31XSwitch Foreground and Background colors
32QQuick Mask Mode

33Fit on ScreenDouble–click on Hand tool or Ctrl–0
34100% View Level (Actual Pixels)Double–click on Zoom tool or Ctrl–1
35Zoom outAlt–Spacebar–click or Ctrl–Minus (–)
36Scroll image left or right in the windowCtrl-Shift–Page Up/Down
37Jump/Zoom to part of an imageCtrl–drag in Navigator panel
38Hide/Show all tools and panelsShift-Tab
39zoom inCtrl–Spacebar–click or Ctrl–Plus (+)
40Toggle layer mask on/off as rubylith.\
41Cycle through full screen modesF
Sl.NoPEN TOOL & PATHSShortcuts
41To get Direct Selection tool while using Pen toolCtrl
42Switch between Add Anchor and Delete Anchor Point toolsAlt
43Switch from Path Selection tool to Convert Point tool when  pointer is over anchor pointCtrl–Alt
44To select a whole path w/Direct Selection toolAlt–
45click Convert path to a selectionCtrl–click on path name (in Paths panel)

46Show/Hide Brush panelF5
47Show/Hide Color panelF6
48Show/Hide Layers panelF7
49Show/Hide Info panelF8
50Show/Hide Actions panelAlt–F9

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