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MHT CET Law Result 2019: Maha Directorate of Higher Education Declares CET LLB Result Today at mhtcet2019.mahaonline.gov.in

Source: news18.com

MHT CET Law Result 2019 | The Maharashtra Directorate of Higher Education has declared the MHT CET LLB Result 2019 on June 17 (Monday). The law result of Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHT CET) for the 2019 academic batch got uploaded at Maharashtra state Common Entrance Test Cell’s official website mhtcet2019.mahaonline.gov.in and is available for download in PDF version.

The declared MHT CET Law Result 2019 contains name, roll number and total scored marks out of 150 of qualifying candidates. The direct link for downloading the MHT CET Law Result 2019 is still live and can be accessed by clicking here.

Earlier, on June 4, the MHT CET Result 2019 for Engineering, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Dairy Technology, Fishery Science courses were declared.

MHT CET Law Result 2019: Steps to download the PDF List

Below are given steps for downloading MHT CET Law Result 2019 in online mode from state Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra portal:

Step 1: Visit the official homepage mhtcet2019.mahaonline.gov.in

Step 2: On right side there is link reading ‘download MHT CET 2019 Law Result declaration’ under important exam-date section

Step 3: Click on it and the complete MHT CET Law Result 2019 in PDF file will open

Step 4: Search your roll number and know your scores

Step 5: Download the soft copy of MAH CET 2019 result

The Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHT CET) was held on June 1.