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Surat girl Stuti Khandwala tops NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER, JEE Main AND gets admission offer from MIT, USA

Source: timesnownews.com

Stuti Khandwala from Surat has achieved a rare feat. Not only has the young teenage cracked all of the competitive entrance examinations for MBBS and Engineering, the girl has also been awarded an offer of admission from the Top University in the world – Massachusetts Institute of Technology or MIT, USA. Stuti has cracked JEE Main 2019, NEET 2019, AIIMS MBBS 2019 and JIPMER MBBS 2019 comprehensively, securing a name not in the list of qualified but in the list of Toppers. Check out her impressive scorecard here. 

Stuti Khandwala is a student of Allen Career Institute’s classroom program in Kota. Her list of success and accolades is immense. She scored 98.8 percent in her Board Examinations and topped the Rajasthan Board in Science Stream. As for the entrance examinations, Stuti has secured 10th All India Rank in AIIMS MBBS 2019 examination.

Not leaving any behind, she cleared NEET and has AIR 71, AIR 27 in JIPMER MBBS and 1086 Rank in JEE Main. But when tasked to choose the best institute of India, she chose to aim for and got admission in the Top University of the World. She has received her admission offer and would be travelling to MIT for pursuing her graduation. She wishes to pursue research.

When asked about the mantra to her success, Stuti credited her parents for their support and assistance as well as her teachers at Allen Institute. Apart from coaching, Stuti also devoted 12 to 13 hours a day to self-study. Be it Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology, she studied them all in equal intervals.

Stuti’s parents are doctors by profession. Her mother, Dr. Hetal, a Dentist, gave up her practice and stayed in Kota for three years to be with her daughter. As for her father, Dr. Sheetal Khandwala is a pathologist and would visit them over the weekend. They belong to Surat.

Lakhs of students every year appear for the engineering and medical entrance examination. Clearing one entrance examination is an achievement but clearing all is a feat unlike any. But Stuti Khandwala of Surat has defied all odds to not only crack but make it to the merit list of not only JEE Main 2019 but also NEET 2019, JIPMER MBBS 2019 and AIIMS MBBS 2019. What makes her achievement more extraordinary is that she would not be taking admission in any of the top colleges. Instead, she has been selected by the Top University of the world and would be travelling to USA to pursue her engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT.