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How to make RTI application effective?

Use proper format if prescribed by state govt under its RTI rules, otherwise use format at http://www.rtiindia.org/forum/blogs/…rti-rules.html on this site.

State wise details are available on www.rti.gov.in. For central govt information please use format at http://www.rtiindia.org/forum/blogs/…govt-info.html

Pay correct amount of fee by proper mode of payment as prescribed in state RTI rules. For central govt pay by postal order of Rs.10/- in favor of “Accounts officer ___________[mention name of organization to which you are addressing application].

Send application with fee by reg or speed AD post. Avoid submitting in person. Avoid courier also. Do not address in personal name of Public Information Officer. Use official designation as Public Information Officer.

Framing query is very important part of application. Do not ask questions as to why, when, who, whose, how etc. Instead ask for certified photocopies of records which contain the information required by you.

For example do not ask “why my application is not attended so far?” Instead ask “Please provide me reasons on record and certified copy of records containing reasons for delay in attending my said application” Please also refer http://www.rtiindia.org/forum/blogs/…formation.html

Even if you do not desire to carry out actual inspection of records of govt office, make a request as under in the application: “On receipt of information under this application, I intend to carry out actual inspection of records at your office. I may be permitted such inspection.”

If you are not very conversant with language of record, please add following sentence to the para at 5 above: I may also be permitted to seek assistance of my relative/friend during inspection, as I am not fully conversant with the language in which your records are maintained.

Visit if available, website of the govt office, whose information is required and study RTI icon.

Do not waste too much time and energy in deciding which information can be asked and which cannot be. Just ask what ever you want. If you ask you may get, if you do not ask, you may not get. At the most Public Information Officer will say NO to your query.

Confine to one subject per application.

If you want large information, please submit application for few of them and once you get it, shoot another and then third application. This is costly and time consuming, but effective method.

Invariably seek names, designations and details of action taken by dept against employees/officers of the govt office who failed to process your pending request as per rule.

Ask for free copy of citizen charter of govt. office to be supplied with reply. You can know many things about that office.

Do not mention your phone/mobile numbers in the application, so that all communications are in writing. This helps in further appeals.

Be crystal clear, firm and to the point but at the same time be courteous. Give serial number to query and avoid essay type application.

Do ask for photocopy of file noting pertaining to your matter or application, even if you do not require.

If you know section of RTI act or decisions of CIC/State Information Commission, which are in favor of your query mention the same at the end of the respective query as [refer CIC decision No.____________dtd.______or refer section _______of RTI Act. etc]

If you apprehend problem for you for asking information of sensitive nature which may harm powerful vested interest, please ask your relative or friend living in other state to file the application for the same information.

Provide all relevant information already available with you on the subject to Public Information Officer to facilitate early locating of records at his end.

If you do not know exact details of Public Information Officer, visit
http://www.rtiindia.org/guide/how-to-use-your-right-to-information-4/how-to-locate-a-Public Information Officer-under-rti-act-2005-27/

It is advisable to give back ground of seeking the information, though not required by the act.

Please add following para as a note in RTI application:

        For your kind information, I add that in addition to RTI Act 2005, I can proceed against public authority and its officers under The Consumer Protection Act 1986 as decided by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi on 28-05-2009, in REVISION PETITION NO. 1975 OF 2005 in complaint filed by Dr. S. P. Thirumala Rao against Municipal Commissioner, Mysore City Municipal Corporation, Mysore.

Even at the end of non-RTI applications made to govt depts., mention as under, giving indication that you know RTI and if this application is not properly attended to RTI application may follow.

    “CITIZEN IS OWNER OF GOVT INFO, OFFICER IS CUSTODIAN or such other catchy slogan, you may think of !!!!