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How to get 4000 watch hours on YOUTUBE channel?

Search engines usually crawl and scan texts and other readable content on the web and then monitor all the metrics like a applicaiton load time, user experience, links, etc to rank web pages.

This process did not completly work with worlds second largest search engine YouTube. Because videos are not articles, they’re difficult to scan. So how does YouTube judge the quality of videos to return the best search results for users? Earlier it was the “number of views” was the main factor in ranking videos. But, after the new updates now its the watch time became the primary ranking factor. Watch time is basically total amount of time in aggregate that viewers spend watching your channel videos.

Even if you want to start with “YouTube partner porgram (Monetization)” then you need minimum 4000 watch hours to start with it. You have to achieve 4000 watch hours in 12 consecutive months.

How YouTube’s calculate that 4000 watch hrs?
Example:- Today date is JULY 1 2021 <= you count from JULy 1 2020 = 4000 watch hrs

So, here we are going to share some of the best tips to get 4000 watch hours on YOUTUBE channel:-

  1. Videos has to be public – Dont save them on private or unlisted
  2. Appear in Search – Research and answer question on topics people are searching for
  3. Video Comments
  4. Video Shares – on social platforms
  5. Get Thumbs up
  6. Embed your videos on related blog topics
  7. Titles and Thumbnails That Accurately Reflect Your Content
  8. Post videos at the Right Time on youtube
    Mondays 2-4 pm
    Tuesdays 2-4 pm
    Wednesdays 2-4 pm
    Thursdays noon -3pm
    Fridays noon -3pm
    Saturdays 9 am-11 am
    Sundays 9 am-11 am
  9. Structured Playlists/Always Share playlists instead of videos
  10. Use Cards Throughout Your Videos
  11. Create end screens for your videos
  12. Recommend related videos in your video description and comments
  13. Watch your own videos on your friend’s phone
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