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Demand for Telugu states, Andhra Pradesh faculty rises

Source: deccanchronicle.com

Hyderabad: Demand for faculty from the Telugu states has risen with more students cracking the JEE Mains and Advanced from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana state.

Other states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and regions in north India are attracting students to their institutes by publicising that they possess lecturers from the Telugu regions.

They are paying them very well. Institutes in other states are also releasing posters where they mention not just about the ranks, but also say that they have ‘Andhra Expert Faculty’ or ‘Hyderabad Expert Faculty’ to teach students who join their institute.

This trend began in around 2014 and has now increased across the states.

In 2017, 7,590 students got eligibility from the Telugu states in the JEE Mains and qualified for JEE Advanced, and this is higher than any other state. This became a strong point for faculty to sell their expertise in other states.

Experts say that there is also a strong belief that faculty from the southern states teach better.

There is an equal demand for all three subjects — mathematics, physics and chemistry. However, the number of subject experts in physics is declining, so the demand has risen and they are being paid more than those in other subjects.

According to sources, subject experts get paid amounts ranging from Rs 15 lakh per annum to Rs 1.5 crore per annum depending on their experience. Faculty are screened through a written test followed by a demo, which actually determines the pay scale, according to inputs provided by the IIT JEE Forum.