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Best Books for JEE Main & JEE Advanced Preparation: Recommended by Toppers & Professors

Source: jagranjosh.com

Best books for IIT JEE Preparation (Chemistry, Physics, Maths): The complete list of important & best books for IIT JEE 2020-21 preparation (JEE Main & JEE Advanced – Physics, Chemistry, Maths) is available here. Besides the list of important books for IIT JEE Preparation, here you will also get links of important resources (such as Solutions of NCERT Exemplar) which are very helpful for School & Board Exams Preparation.

Best books for IIT JEE Preparation (Subject-wise – Chemistry, Physics, Maths): Check list of best books for JEE Mains & JEE Advanced (commonly termed as IIT JEE) preparation is available here. These books are recommended by the toppers & teachers who are teaching in reputed coaching centres.

Best Books for IIT JEE Preparation: Physics

Physics is one of the most important subject of Class 11 and Class 12. It is also considered as one of the most difficult subjects. Here are some best books for IIT JEE which can help you to score well in Physics section of JEE Mains & JEE Advanced 2020 – 21.

NCERT Exemplar Problems & Solutions for Class 12 Physics

NCERT Textbook for Class 12 Physics

NCERT Exemplar Problems for Class 11 Physics

NCERT Textbook for Class 11 Physics

Concepts of Physics by H C Verma (Part 1 & 2)

Understanding Physics (Mechanics Vol, 1 and 2 / Electricity and Magnetism / Optics and Modern Physics / Waves and Thermodynamics by DC Pandey

Pathfinder for Olympiad & JEE Advanced  

Best Books for IIT JEE Preparation: Mathematics

Maths is also considered as one of the most difficult subjects besides Physics by many students. Here is the list of best books for preparation of Maths section as recommended by many IIT professors and toppers.

NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Maths

NCERT Textbook Problems for Class 12 Maths

NCERT Textbook for Class 11 Maths

NCERT Exemplar Problems for Class 11 Maths

Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma (Volume 1 & 2)

Advanced Problems in Mathematics for JEE (Main & Advanced) by Vikas Gupta & Pankaj Joshi

Best Books for IIT JEE Preparation: Chemistry

Chemistry subject has a huge volume and many students feel problems to cover the complete syllabus of this subject. Here are some best reference books for IIT JEE preparation recommended by toppers and teachers.


NCERT Textbooks for Class 12 Chemistry

NCERT Exemplar Problems for Class 12 Chemistry

NCERT Textbooks for Class 11 Chemistry 

NCERT Exemplar Problems for Class 11 Chemistry

Organic Chemistry: 

Advanced Problems in Organic Chemistry for JEE by M S Chauhan

A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry for the JEE by Peter Sykes

Inorganic Chemistry:

Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee

Problems in Inorganic Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced by V. K. JAISWAL  

Physical Chemistry

Atkins’ Physical Chemistry

Problems in Physical Chemistry – Narendra Awasthi

Best Books for IIT JEE Preparation: Previous Years’ Papers

Yes, when we talk about best books for IIT JEE preparation or JEE Main & JEE Advanced preparation then previous years’ papers are the most important resource. Generally, the same questions are not repeated in these entrance exams, but, there are some important concepts from which questions have been frequently asked, year after year.