How Can I Download the GATE Admit Card?
The GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) admit card is one of the most important documents for candidates appearing for the exam. It is issued to all eligible candidates who have successfully registered for the exam. The admit card contains crucial details such as the candidate’s roll number, exam center, and other important instructions for the exam day. It must be carried to the exam center along with a valid photo ID for identification purposes.
Here’s a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how you can download your GATE admit card:
1. Key Dates for GATE Admit Card Download
- The admit card for GATE is usually made available for download about two to three weeks before the exam.
- For example, if the GATE exam is scheduled for February, the admit card will typically be available in mid-January.
- The exact dates are announced by the organizing IIT (the institute conducting the exam that particular year). You should keep an eye on the official GATE website for updates.
2. Prerequisites for Downloading the Admit Card
Before downloading the GATE admit card, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:
- Successful Registration: You must have completed the entire GATE application process, including payment of the application fee.
- Correct Login Credentials: You will need the login credentials you created when you registered for the exam. These credentials include your Email ID and Password or your Application Number and Date of Birth.
- Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection to download the admit card.
3. Steps to Download the GATE Admit Card
Step 1: Visit the Official GATE Website
Go to the official GATE website for the year you are appearing for the exam. For example, if the organizing institute is IIT Kharagpur, the website will be:
You can search for the specific GATE website through a simple Google search or by visiting the official IIT portal (depending on the organizing institute for that year).
Step 2: Log in to Your GATE Account
Once on the official website, navigate to the "Admit Card" section. You will typically find a link for admit card download on the home page under “Important Updates” or in the candidate login section.
Click on the "Download Admit Card" or "Admit Card Login" link.
You will be redirected to the GATE Online Application Portal (GOAP) where you need to log in.
Step 3: Enter Your Login Credentials
Login ID: This is typically your Email ID or Application Number.
Password: This is the password you set during the GATE registration process. If you’ve forgotten your password, there will be an option to reset your password using your registered email or mobile number.
Date of Birth: In some cases, you may need to enter your date of birth as an additional authentication method.
Once you have entered these details, click on the "Submit" or "Login" button to proceed.
Step 4: Download the Admit Card
After successfully logging in, your GATE admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Verify that all the details mentioned on the admit card are correct, including:
- Your Name
- Photograph
- Signature
- GATE Exam Paper (Subject)
- Roll Number
- Exam Date and Time
- Exam Center Address
- Category and Other Personal Information
If all the details are correct, click on the "Download" or "Print" button to download the admit card as a PDF.
Step 5: Take a Printout of the Admit Card
- Once downloaded, take a clear printout of the admit card on an A4 size sheet.
- Ensure that the printout is clear and legible, especially the photograph, roll number, and the exam center details.
Important Note: The GATE admit card is only available for download online. It is not sent by post or email.
4. Details on the GATE Admit Card
The GATE admit card will contain the following important information:
Candidate Details:
- Name of the candidate
- Registration number
- Photograph and signature of the candidate
- Category (e.g., General, OBC, SC/ST, PwD)
Examination Details:
- GATE Paper (Subject) you have opted for
- Exam date and time
- Exam center address
- Reporting time and duration of the exam
Important Instructions:
- COVID-19 guidelines (if applicable for that year)
- General exam-day instructions like what is allowed inside the exam center (e.g., ID proof, permitted stationery)
- Prohibited items inside the exam hall (e.g., mobile phones, bags, calculators, etc.)
Signature of the Exam Authority (in some cases)
5. Common Issues and Troubleshooting
In case you encounter any issues while downloading your admit card, here are some things to check:
A. If You Forget Your Login Credentials
- If you forget your password or application number, you can retrieve them using the "Forgot Password" option on the GATE portal. This requires you to enter your registered email address or mobile number.
B. Discrepancies in the Admit Card
- If you find any discrepancies in the admit card (e.g., incorrect name, wrong exam center), immediately contact the GATE exam conducting authority through their helpdesk or official email. Discrepancies must be corrected before the exam date.
C. Unable to Download the Admit Card
- If you are unable to download the admit card due to technical reasons (e.g., server downtime, slow internet), try again after some time.
- Alternatively, try accessing the GATE website from a different device or browser.
D. Print Quality Issues
- Ensure that the printed admit card is clear, especially the photograph, signature, and exam center details.
- You can print the admit card in color or black and white, but the quality must be legible.
6. Important Instructions Regarding the Admit Card
Admit Card is Mandatory for Exam: You cannot appear for the GATE exam without a printed copy of your admit card. Make sure you carry a physical copy of the admit card to the exam center along with a valid photo ID proof (e.g., Aadhaar card, Passport, Voter ID, College ID).
Check Exam Center Details: Make sure to verify the exam center address and the exam time well in advance. You must reach the exam center at least 60 minutes before the scheduled time for verification and to avoid any last-minute stress.
Do Not Alter Admit Card: Do not make any changes or tamper with your admit card, as it may lead to disqualification.
Digital Copy Not Accepted: A digital copy of the admit card (on your phone or laptop) is not accepted at the exam center. Only a printed physical copy will be allowed.
7. What to Do if You Lose Your Admit Card
Re-download Admit Card: If you lose your admit card, you can download it again from the official GATE portal until the exam day.
Keep Extra Copies: It is advisable to keep multiple copies of your admit card after downloading and printing it to avoid any mishaps.
Contact Helpdesk: If you face any major issues or can't access your admit card, you can contact the GATE helpdesk or the exam organizing authority for assistance.
8. Special Considerations for PwD Candidates
Candidates with disabilities (PwD category) are eligible for specific accommodations during the exam. They may require to carry specific documents or ID proof for exam-day verification. Ensure that your admit card reflects your PwD status.
Some extra time or specific exam center arrangements might be made for PwD candidates, so be sure to check the special instructions on the admit card and in the official GATE brochure.
Downloading the GATE admit card is a straightforward process, but it is crucial to follow the correct steps to avoid any last-minute hassles. Ensure that you meet the prerequisites, follow the detailed instructions provided on the official website, and double-check the details mentioned in your admit card. By doing so, you will be well-prepared for the GATE exam and ensure a smooth experience on exam day.
Always keep a printed copy of your admit card and a valid ID proof ready for the exam, as you cannot appear for the test without these documents.